Welcome to SPARK!

spark 2009

{ IT'S A WRAP!! }

SPARK 2009 was a astounding success with a total no. of 86 campers who participated in the
3 days 2 nights camp which was held at Pasir Ris Holiday Camp from 14th - 16th December '09!

Ending with a SHOWDOWN between the 4 empires Accion, Fry-tho, Komez and Venos.
The Spark Production Team, now proudly presents to you Spark 2010,
The Battle of the WuShu Clans!


Registration Opening

Registration is open to ALL members of the public. To register with us, all applicants have to Read and Agree to the Terms of Registration before submitting their application forms.

{ Closing Date: 30th Nov '09 }

*Terms & Condition applies.